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14.6.2021"Google Effects" on memory for gist and detailEva Matthildur Benediktsdóttir 1998-
14.6.2022Anxiety and decision making : on the relationship between anxiety and acquiescence to intuitionKamilla Brá Ómarsdóttir 1997-
14.6.2021Assessing the effects of “Gamma music” on memoryBryndís Harpa Björnsdóttir 1996-; Sigríður Ásta Pedersen 1991-
29.10.2020Computerised working memory training : evidence against near- and far-transfer effects in Icelandic primary school childrenGuðný Guðlaugsdóttir 1974-
14.6.2021The effect of access to information online on opinions on controversial topicsGunnar Logi Gylfason 1996-; Karítas Birna Eyþórsdóttir 1999-; Una Guðlaug Kolbeinsdóttir 1996-
14.6.2021Effects of cognitive offloading on decision makingMáney Nótt Ingibjargardóttir 1998-
19.6.2019Effects of patient vulnerability, and main effect strength and valence, on side-effect intentionality judgementsGuðbjörg Svandís Þrastardóttir 1991-; Ester Guðbjörnsdóttir 1982-; Ingibjörg Bernhöft 1974-; Sif Feldskov Jennerup 1994-
14.6.2022Extraversion and cognitive performance on working memory tasks : does speed matter?Erla Kolfinna Bjarnadóttir 1999-; Harpa Óskarsdóttir 1998-
14.6.2021Improving decision making by reducing irrational intuition : effects of specific explanations on acquiescence to intuition in BlackjackSigurður Halldórsson 1993-; Elfur Haraldsdóttir 1985-
15.6.2020Resisting the pull of erring intuition : explanation reduces acquiescence in the ratio bias paradigmGuðrún Rut Guðmundsdóttir 1996-; Lilja Magnúsdóttir 1990-; Margrét Nilsdóttir 1979-