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22.6.2010 | Effect of ozonized water and ozonized Ice on quality and shelf life of fresh cod (Gadus morhua) | Guðný Júlíana Jóhannsdóttir |
19.10.2016 | Effects of bleeding conditions and storage methods on the quality of Atlantic Cod | Hildur Inga Sveinsdóttir 1991- |
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14.6.2021 | Hljóðbylgjufrysting : samanburður á hljóðbylgju- og blástursfrystingu þorskafurða | Pétur Veigar Karlsson 1992- |
9.6.2009 | Microbiology and Spoilage Trail in Nile Perch (Lates niloticus), Lake Victoria, Tanzania | Mhongole, Ofred J.M. |
28.5.2014 | Numerical analysis of heat transfer in fish containers | Steinar Geirdal Snorrason 1989- |
26.10.2016 | Optimized Sea Transport of Fresh Fillets and Loins. Quality and Cost | Ásgeir Jónsson 1983- |
2.6.2015 | Stability of lightly salted fillets during frozen storage | Jóna Sigríður Halldórsdóttir 1989- |
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21.10.2019 | Stýring á kjötgæðum í sláturhúsi | Reynir Björgvinsson 1989- |
10.10.2016 | Stöðuleiki léttsaltaðra þorskflaka (Gadus morhua) í frosti. Þættir sem hafa áhrif á stöðuleika og afurðarbreytileika | Inga Rósa Ingvadóttir 1992- |