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4.1.2022 | The association between ADHD symptoms and academic performance, time spent on homework and attitude towards school in the lives of adolescent boys and girls | María Katrín Auðardóttir 1994- |
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15.6.2021 | Icelanders’ attitudes towards victims and perpetrators of intimate partner violence : the role of gender, sexual orientation, national origin, and type of abuse | Phoebe Sóley Sands 1998- |
19.6.2019 | Is there a connection between circadian type and seasonal affective disorder in Iceland? | Katla Sigurðardóttir 1993-; Grigaraviciuté, Giedré, 1991- |
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25.1.2021 | Prevalence and risk factors for social isolation among older adults in the United States of America | Elísa Ýr Halldórsdóttir 1995- |
4.6.2024 | The prevalence of substance use among contact sport participants in High Schools in Iceland | Silja Rut Rúnarsdóttir 2002- |
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