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3.6.2024 | The association between chronotype and sleep quality in adolescents : does screen time have a mediating role? | Rósa Kristín Björnsdóttir 2002- |
21.10.2016 | Association between fitness and sleep among 15 year old Icelandic adolescents | Vala Margrét Jóhannsdóttir 1989- |
14.6.2021 | Association between sleep duration, sleep quality and self-esteem in adolescents in Iceland | Heiðdís Vala Þorsteinsdóttir 1997- |
29.5.2024 | The association of physical activity and academic performance : sleep and anxiety as mediators | Anna Alexandra Petersen 2002-; Kolfinna Íris Rúnarsdóttir 2001- |
24.6.2010 | Áhrif brjóstagjafar á svefnvenjur ungbarna | Ester Hafdís Ásbjörnsdóttir; Guðrún Berglind Jóhannesdóttir |
8.6.2023 | Áhrif hreyfingar á svefngæði og andlega líðan einstaklinga með vægan kæfisvefn | Natalía Blær Maríudóttir 1997- |
11.6.2018 | Áhrif samfélagsmiðla á svefn unglinga : kerfisbundin heimildasamantekt | Anna Lilja Sigurðardóttir 1989-; Sunna Líf Guðmundsdóttir 1989- |
30.6.2023 | Áhrif svefns á andlega heilsu og frammistöðu í íþróttum : hefur svefn áhrif á andlega heilsu og frammistöðu íþróttafólks? | Adna Mesetovic 1998- |
21.5.2010 | Áhrif svefnvandamála ung- og smábarna á fjölskylduna: Fræðileg samantekt | Bjarnveig Birgisdóttir 1983-; Tinna Ívarsdóttir 1983- |
14.6.2022 | Áhrif vaktavinnu á svefn og geðheilsu | Erna Davíðsdóttir 1984- |
8.6.2023 | Better sleep for teens in Reykjavík : effects of delaying school start on adolescent sleep | Ágústa Dan Árnadóttir 1991- |
9.1.2020 | Bright light therapy and the circadian rhythms : the effects of bright light therapy on the circadian rhythms in healthy young adults | Aron Haukur Hauksson 1988- |
23.6.2022 | Cancer-related Cognitive Impairment and Sleep Problems in Treatment-naïve Cancer Patients | Rebekka Steinarsdóttir 1993- |
14.6.2022 | Chronotypes, mood and lifestyle : is being an evening type a circadian disorder? | Guðný Jónasdóttir 1986- |
27.6.2022 | Clinical evaluation of an Icelandic adaptation of Moving Forward : a post-treatment course offered to women who have completed treatment for breast cancer | Aron Haukur Hauksson 1988- |
3.6.2019 | Daglegar rútínur á heimilum barna með ADHD og áhrif þeirra á mótþróa á háttatíma: Forathugun á árangri foreldraviðtala | Anna Vala Hansen 1990- |
14.6.2021 | Deep sleep in epilepsy | Eydís Anna Guðmundsdóttir 1999- |
6.1.2015 | The Demand for Sleep in the United States: An Empirical Analysis | Sigurður Páll Ólafsson 1991- |
21.6.2021 | Design and development of the SleepWell app and comparison to analog sleep diaries | Ólafur Andri Davíðsson 1999-; Þór Breki Davíðsson 1999-; Guðni Natan Gunnarsson 1998- |
2.6.2023 | Designing, developing, and implementing a personalized gamified goal-setting mechanism for a sleep-tracking mobile application | Yannick Zapfe 1997- |
20.6.2022 | Does perceived stress mediate a potential relationship between physical activity and sleep quality among adolescents? | Irja Gröndal 1996- |
14.6.2022 | Does processed food consumption correlate with seasonality and quality of sleep, and how does this relationship change over seasons? | Lena Rut Ævarsdóttir 1999- |
15.6.2021 | Does sleep quality and stress levels differ between college student athletes compared to non-athletes? | Magdalena Gísladóttir 1998- |
6.6.2014 | Dægurgerð og tengsl hennar við geðraskanir annars vegar og námsárangur hins vegar | Erna Guðrún Sveinbjörnsdóttir 1990-; Gyða Björk Bergþórsdóttir 1991- |