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Efnisorð 1 til 25 af 51
SamþykktRaða eftir:SamþykktTitillRaða eftir:TitillHöfundur(ar)
3.6.2019Aðferð til þess að æxla saman fjarskyldum stofnum gersveppaRagna Brá Guðnadóttir 1993-
21.5.2024Analysis of microbial presence in a study of basalt-seawater-CO2 interactionÞórdís Lilja Ólafsdóttir 2001-
21.5.2024Assessing the Role of GRAMD1B in Endothelial Cell Response after Catecholamine StimulationAgatha Elín Steinþórsdóttir 2002-
30.9.2015Association between plasma stearoyl-CoA desaturase activity and a variant of the fat mass and obesity-associated gene following a high-carbohydrate mealHarpa Óskarsdóttir 1992-
28.5.2015Áhrif n-3 fitusýra í æti á cAMP framleiðslu eftir örvun beta adrenergra viðtaka í HEK293 frumumSunna Björnsdóttir 1992-
4.12.2018Binding of HIV-1 Vif to SAMHD1Sólveig Rán Stefánsdóttir 1996-
2.6.2020A biological role for lysyl oxidase-like 1 enzyme in the migration and tube formation of trophoblast cellsHallfríður Ingólfsdóttir 1996-
4.6.2014Characterisation of new bacteria strains isolated from Icelandic sea watersJónína Sæunn Guðmundsdóttir 1990-
21.5.2024Characterization of a Vertebrate Specific Region of ATG7Katrín Anna Lárusdóttir 2002-
12.5.2014Chitosan derivatives and the HUVEC inflammatory responseAron Tommi Skaftason 1990-
21.5.2024Cloning a light-inducible Cre (LiCre) for optimization in hESCsStefán Pétursson 2002-
21.8.2024Comparative Genomic and Transcriptomic Analysis of D492 and D492M Breast Cell Lines: Evaluating Differential Methylation, Structural Variants, and Transcript Quantification MethodsBrynjar Halldórsson 2002-
1.2.2021Conformational dynamics of NCS-1 observed with single molecule spectroscopyHrafnhildur Una Þórðardóttir 1996-
21.5.2024Deciphering the structure and dynamics of the polyA/polyQ tract in neuronal pioneer factor Ascl1Ásdís Hrefna Valberg Laufeyjardóttir 1997-
5.6.2020Detection of the Archaeome in the Human Gastrointestinal TractHafsteinn Esjar Baldursson 1996-
29.5.2019Does BMP9 have biphasic effects on endothelial cells?Unnur Jóna Björgvinsdóttir 1995-
31.5.2021Dynamics of Oct4 and Sox2 on the NucleosomeMatthías Már Valdimarsson 1994-
3.6.2015The effect of Bordetella CyaA toxin on the regulation of antimicrobial peptide expression and junctions in human epithelial lung cellsÁrni Ásbjarnarson 1993-
31.5.2019Effects of altered gene expression of two AAA+ ATPases on neuromuscular synapses in Drosophila melanogasterKristín Gyða Hrafnkels Hlynsdóttir 1996-
20.5.2015The effects of azithromycin on cell signalling in human bronchial epitheliumSvanhvít Sigurjónsdóttir 1990-
2.6.2016Effects of endothelial cells on growth and differentiation in the breast epithelial cell line HMT3522 in three-dimensional cultureSólrún Kolbeinsdóttir 1993-
21.5.2024The effects of limited SMO expression on HH signaling in chondrogenic cellsBertha Marín Róberts Róbertsdóttir 2003-
2.6.2017Effects of linker domain mutation in SMAD3 on TGF-beta signalling and endothelial cellsHafrún Hálfdanardóttir 1994-
31.5.2019The effects of overexpression of Rhox5 on key genes for pluripotency and germline in mouse embryonic stem cellsSalómon Christer 1996-
30.5.2023Expression and purification of human histone proteins. Comparison of different methods for production of octamersEster Borgarsdóttir 2000-