6.6.2023 | Atferlisíhlutun í barnavernd: Notkun CLEAN matslistans við að bæta aðbúnað barna á heimilum þeirra | Auður Ögmundardóttir 1985- |
7.6.2022 | Atferlisíhlutun í umhverfisvanrækslu: Matslistinn CLEAN og söfnunarárátta. | Alla María Heimisdóttir 1995- |
7.6.2022 | Áhrif endurgjafar á námsástundun. Endurtekning í grunnskóla, fjórum árum síðar | Helga Maggý Magnúsdóttir 1991- |
7.6.2022 | Áhrif endurgjafar kennara á námsástundun. Athugun í öðrum grunnskóla | Erla Sif Sveinsdóttir 1990- |
21.5.2024 | Áhrif fimiþjálfunar á lesfimi nemenda í 2. bekk | Sigurlaug Rún Brynleifsdóttir 1976- |
4.7.2023 | Áhrif hvatningarkerfis með Beanfee hugbúnaðinum á líðan, skólasókn og verkefnaskil nemenda með skólaforðun | Jóhanna Sif Jóhannsdóttir 1988- |
27.9.2024 | Áhrif stuðningsáætlunar með Beanfee táknstyrkjakerfi á námsástundun, líðan og skólasókn nemenda í 9. bekk með skólaforðun | Svandís Hjartardóttir 1999- |
12.6.2023 | Combining behavior skills training and pyramidal training : evaluating procedural integrity of functional communication training | Arndís Björg Ólafsdóttir 1997- |
24.6.2021 | Computer-assisted-instruction : comparing discrete-trial-training and pair-test procedures in acquisition of foreign-language vocabulary | Elma Dögg Birgisdóttir 1993- |
19.6.2024 | The effect of behavioral sleep interventions on the sleep of autistic adults | Tímea Soós 1975- |
19.6.2024 | The effectiveness of a hierarchical shaping procedure for eating disorders, targeting food avoidance | Dafni Kyriakou 2000- |
24.6.2021 | The effectiveness of lecture, feedback sessions and Virtual Reality (VR) training in teaching the methods of Discrete Trial Training (DTT) | Lára Borg Bolladóttir 1993- |
25.6.2021 | Effects of behavioral skills training on learning opportunities among support staff in a preschool | Margrét Harpa Jónsdóttir 1993- |
13.6.2024 | The effects of goal setting, prompt fading, and feedback on physical activity for individuals with diabetes mellitus | Tinna Rós Sigurðardóttir 1988- |
13.6.2023 | The effects of goal-setting, notification alerts, and sharing results with peers on screen time usage | Steingerður Hauksdóttir 1996- |
12.6.2023 | The effects of graphic feedback and goal setting on verbal communication with patients in a psychiatric care unit | Snædís Ósk Jóhannsdóttir 1996- |
13.6.2024 | The effects of schedule-correlated stimuli on the generalization of tolerating denied access | Anna Þóra Grétarsdóttir 1994- |
27.6.2022 | Effects of the Beanfee token economy software on students' persistent problem behavior and lack of academic engagement | Silja Dís Guðjónsdóttir 1995- |
20.2.2023 | Effects of the Beanfee token economy software on students´ persistent problem behavior and lack of academic engagement | Helga Magnea Gunnlaugsdóttir 1996- |
16.6.2021 | The effects of token reinforcers on student´s intrinsic motivation for school tasks | Berglind Þorsteinsdóttir 1986- |
30.1.2024 | Effects on an online sleep lecture on parents' knowledge and ability to treat their children's sleep interfering behaviors | Jóhanna Ósk Kristinsdóttir 1993- |
19.6.2024 | Equivalence-Based Instruction in an academic setting : application for teaching children with high support needs to tell time | Arna Ýr Arnardóttir 1983- |
26.1.2023 | Evaluation of conditional discrimination skills and establishment of identity matching using within-stimulus prompts while ensuring motivation | Lena Egilsdóttir 1994- |
24.6.2021 | Evaluation of modified behavioral skills training for teaching sleep treatment skills to parents via telehealth | Herdís Ingibjörg A. Svansdóttir 1988- |
12.6.2023 | An evaluation of teacher-implementation of preschool life skills program to teach school readiness skills | Birna Hrund Björnsdóttir 1988- |